Sand Land and Dragon Ball: Parallels and Differences

Sand Land's party of underdogs stands in stark contrast to Dragon Ball, featuring scrappy scavengers, clever outlaws, and those barely managing survival in an unforgiving desert environment. Sand Land subverts expectations by emphasizing non-lethal combat rather than lethal violence - even hostile animals in the desert find peace here! This commitment towards nonviolence adds another fascinating layer to their characters - hinting at surprising moral integrity even among such disparate members.

Customize your desert ride and conquer the sands of Sand Land.

Promising Combat and Intriguing Characters

Beelzebub, the demon prince with an appetite for fistfights and one-on-one combat, unleashes his arsenal on unsuspecting adversaries with punches and kicks that leave an impactful impression. Much can be said about both games but I will regret not recommending anyone to buy Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot if you have the chance. Now back to Sand Land, the combat system looks promising: an amalgam of melee attacks, ranged options with demonic energy, and jump-bot platforming elements with more varied foes that we see only glimpsed briefly through the trailer. Unfortunately, though, our biggest worry remains whether enemy variety can keep players engaged over time as most trailer scenes featured giant sandworms or contraptions which left us wanting more variety among adversaries we might encounter and takedown!

Uncover hidden secrets in the quirky world of Sand Land.

Similarities between Sand Land and Dragon Ball:

  • Both games showcase Akira Toriyama's vibrant art style that fans have become accustomed to seeing him use, from fantastical creatures and character designs all the way down to visual flair that exudes charm from Toriyama himself.
  • Humor with Heart: Both games integrate humor into their narratives in different ways, with Dragon Ball using overt and humorous situations while Sand Land favors quirky comedic moments that center more closely around characters' quirks and quarrelsomeness as comedic sources.
  • Adventure: Both titles capture the excitement and discovery found within travel and discovery, whether that means exploring distant planets with alien races on them in Dragon Ball or traversing vast desert landscapes with hidden secrets and challenges in Sand Land.


  • Combat Focus: Where Dragon Ball has always focused heavily on action-packed battle sequences, Sand Land opts for story and exploration over fight scenes - while combat remains present, nonlethal solutions provide a refreshing change of pace!
  • Power Levels and Transformations: Where Dragon Ball centered its narrative around increasing power levels and dramatic transformations, Sand Land focused instead on character growth and resourcefulness - providing its own distinct story experience that stands apart from its source material. Within Sand Land there was even no reference whatsoever to Dragon Ball; rather the spirit behind its title makes an allusion. A Sequel in Spirit Only.
A vibrant cast of characters awaits in the charming adventure, Sand Land.

Sand Land provides an alternative Toriyama experience without directly following in its footsteps; while not being an outright sequel, Sand Land captures much of what made Dragon Ball enjoyable while adding heartwarming explorations of redemption and found family relationships to its narrative focus. In my opinion, Sand Land is not looking much better than Dragon Ball as both games share the same art style, so it looks like if you buy cheap PS4 games in 2024, you will get more value than others. Sand Land plays better on new consoles but not by much, almost unrecognizable. Ideal for open-world adventures bursting with quirky charm, heart, and an unexpected emphasis on nonviolent solutions; Sand Land could just be what's missing for those hoping for action-packed battle sequences found elsewhere!


  1. Sand Land is an unfortunate miss. Although faithfully recreating the world of manga, its gameplay remains repetitive and lacks depth; combat is serviceable but uninspiring; the open world feels empty despite being gorgeous; the story offers little surprise either, while fans of manga might appreciate seeing some beloved characters brought to life; unfortunately, Sand Land fails to live up to its potential and disappoints its audiences overall.

    1. I disagree. As someone unfamiliar with Sand Land manga, I was delighted by its game adaptation. With stunning open-world visuals and a charming cast of characters - combat is accessible for most players while vehicle customization adds personalization. I found Sand Land to be a very good game but of course, I cannot compare it with manga titles or comics as I do not know any.


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